Monday, April 11, 2011

Confidence :)

Got Confidence?
I think I should talk about this subject... and I think this is something we need to spread like a disease!
A lot of people talk about there view of confidence but this is my version of it!
A lot of people always ask me “How do you have so much confidence in yourself?” And truthfully it is the people in the world that give me confidence. A lot of girls and some guys don't know what confidence is and self confidence and I mean that's okay cause I didn't know what self confidence was! I just thought people were some stuck up little meanies! To me confidence is doing something that you believe is right even though other people may disagree with you! Confidence is feeling good about yourself even if other people may point out your flaws just to bring you down. And you know if you have confidence you just build this bubble around yourself, and it just allows you to stop caring what other people think about you and really what it is, is if someone were to tell me “Ugh her nostrils are to big” I just would need to think of it as a compliment and as something that is different and special about ME! Confidence is about owning the things that people may insult you about and owning that. Because if you have that confidence it doesn't really matter what people think of you If you're the type of person that likes to bring yourself down your just truly, truly bringing yourself down. But ya know what I'm gonna love the body God gave me!” I mean yeah the world Is tough out there and ya know people will get at ya like some Hyena and if someone were to say a rude comment about me I just laugh... I laugh at the things that hatters would say. And ya know you wanna do something out of the ordinary you're gonna deal with people hatting on you. That's just how it is. It's just human nature, to just try to bring a person down until they break, because that gives them a sense of accomplishment. And It's weird ya know, cause I was talking about how I get some hatter comments, but ya know whatever I don't care. Because if somebody insults me I just look at the person at like... like how much of a moron are you? Like did you really waste your time telling me that? Like its people like you that enable people to lack self confidence in themselves. GET RID OF THE MORONS! Having confidence is admiring your mistakes and learning from them. When your confident you don't wait for other people to recognize what you do or to comment you, you just kinda give yourself the biggest credit for that. Ya know? I'm confident is such a way that, I can eat at a restaurant or go to the mall all by myself and I don't care if I look like a loner, I don't care what other people say. “That girl is lonely.” Everyone is powerful in their own way. Confidence is power. If you're confident you can do anything! You can jump off a bridge (with a bungee cord of course!) Tell the UPS man you're secretly in love with him. Having confidence and being egotistic is two totally different separate entity. If your egoistic you just have so much pride in yourself that you have completely lost who you are as a person, you just have no humility. It's your “Mr. Omnipotent” I mean really I used to have no confidence. Like NO confidence zero, nada, double goose eggs, ZERO! You know I just lacked so much self confidence that even one little compliment I would never believe it, because like why do you see that in me? I was just really an unhappy person. Like I would be really awkward, and weird, and shy. And I would just feel ugly and worse about myself and I would just be like ugh! I hate people! And I gave myself a couple of days and I looked in the mirror, and realized I need to stop being like everybody else, because I will never be like them. The one thing I always reming myself is I don't let hatters bring me down, I let them motivate me, and I let the people who give me sweet comments inspire me. You know this is why I have so much confidence. Because I don't look at the world as you know something that's going to judge me. And you know I may come off as obnoxious and vain or whatever ya know. So be it, with what you think of me. If you're the type of person that has no confidence in themselves you're more susceptible to having people treat you like a doormat, you have to believe in yourself for other people to believe in you. One of the things to build self confidence is to think positively, and you will succeed, and exceed the expectations of what others really see in you. Don't let others animate you. Cause if you know you look good, other will too. And you might fear looking different, just because of how other people might perceive you, but just be yourself dress how you wanna dress and how you think you look Good. And ya know self confidence is really contagious. And if your confident you can affect so many people, to be the same way! People who lack self confidence, their vocabulary is always “I don't want” or “I can't” Ya know who cares?! Own it! And I just wanna tell you stop caring about what other people think! Okay you go strut your hot pink pants! Just love the body God gave you! (modestly though) :D 

Love, Always Paige <3

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